* Tigers are the largest members of the cat family and are synonymous with power and strength. There were eight tiger subspecies at one time, but three became extinct during the 20th century. Due to excessive pressure/hunting etc, the tiger population has dwindled from hundreds of thousands to perhaps 5,000 - 7,000. Bengal/Royal Bengal Tigers, live in India and are sometimes called Indian tigers. About half of all wild tigers consist of Bengal Tigers. Tigers are powerful nocturnal hunters and travel miles to find their prey and use their distinctive coats as camouflage. It is interesting to note that no two tigers have exactly the same stripes. A hungry tiger can eat as much as 60 pounds of food in one night. You would be surprised to know that most tigers avoid humans. A tigress generally gives birth to litters of two to six cubs and raises them without any help from the male tiger.
* Source: India Wildlife Tour
For more great information about the Bengal Tiger please visit: http://e.wcs.org/site/PageNavigator/WC_camp_saveTigers
A portion of your "Shakira" FlopAlong proceeds will be going directly to the Save Tigers with a 1-for-1 Match program to help ensure the survival of these endangered animals.